Pet-Monitoring Blood Glucose System
The Test Buddy™ Pet-Monitoring Blood Glucose System is designed and calibrated for canines and felines, with convenient, easy-to-use features such as Bluetooth® compatibility and simple, 2-step testing. The system analyzes capillary and venous blood samples and includes all the supplies to help pet owners manage their pet’s blood glucose levels confidently with the help of their Veterinarian.
The Test Buddy™ Starter Kit includes: Meter, test strips, lancets, lancing device, control solution, logbook, instructions for use, carrying case.
Proven Precision and Accuracy*
Percent of Canine Results
Within ±15 mg/dL or ±20% of the Reference Sample:
Test Buddy™ System
Leading Competitor
EN ISO 15197:2003 Accuracy Results for Feline Samples
Using Test Buddy™ (A, C) and Leading Competitor (B, D) Versus YSI Reference Instrument
A, B. Bias plot of all Test Buddy™ or Leading Competitor results versus YSI reference instrument results analyzed per the EN ISO 15197:2003 accuracy standard.
C, D. Parkes Error Grid of Test Buddy™ or Leading Competitor results versus YSI reference instrument results.
YSI, Yellow Springs Instruments.
*Go to Clinical Studies below for more details.
Percent of Feline Results
Within ±15 mg/dL or ±20% of the Reference Sample:
Test Buddy™ System
Leading Competitor
EN ISO 15197:2003 Accuracy Results for Feline Samples
Using Test Buddy™ (A, C) and Leading Competitor (B, D) Versus YSI Reference Instrument
A, B. Bias plot of all Test Buddy™ or Leading Competitor results versus YSI reference instrument results analyzed per the EN ISO 15197:2003 accuracy standard.
C, D. Parkes Error Grid of Test Buddy™ or Leading Competitor results versus YSI reference instrument results.
YSI, Yellow Springs Instruments.
*Go to Clinical Studies below for more details.